About the profession

Answer Questions and Earn

The demand for skilled professionals who can quickly adapt to market changes is constantly growing. Remote work, now a well-established reality, offers excellent opportunities for those seeking extra income.


Online Training


Tested and proven by experts and students

Total Training Time

50 minutes



Financial Return Time

Immediately after the training

Average Return

U$12 - U$28
per hour

Start your training here!

76,345 students and counting

An energetic community

I started working as an online research professional with Impulse two months ago to supplement my income. It’s a great activity to do on weekends, earn some money, and still be close to my kids. I'm loving it!

Amelia Jones - NC

It's great to have this opportunity as a source of income; I know that whenever I want, I can just hop on my computer, even on my phone, and make some extra cash.

Robert Smith - CO

I was already a student of the Typing Professional training at Impulse and decided to venture into Online Research as well. I love it! I’m always learning new possibilities on the internet here.

Isabella Brown - FL


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